Developmental Play 101

By Laura Vladimirova
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You know that game of peek-a-boo you play with your baby that makes them giggle and their eyes light up? The good news is that this game is easy, intuitive, and fun. The great news is that peek-a-boo (and dozens of other easy baby play activities) support your baby’s physical and cognitive development!

Dr. Donna, DPT, our resident baby physical therapist and knower-of-all-things related to baby motor skills, play, physical development, TOTs, and more held a wonderful developmental play class where parents learned that with just some small shifts to their already great play routines, they can get even more out of it for themselves and their babies. Many parents struggle to balance taking care of their baby’s immediate needs and finding ways to bond and play beyond the newborn essentials. Dr. Donna famously says that “Parents are baby’s favorite toys.”

Below is a collaborative card deck between the JCH team and Dr. Donna wherein we breakdown some of the most popular baby games (peek-a-boo being one!) and how they help babies understand secure attachment and development. Take a look for play ideas that also function to help parents and babies bond, grow and enjoy their time together! Stay tuned for more developmental play classes on our schedule.

DRIVE THROUGH_final peek-a-boo_final Smelly Feet_final boom boom book_final Fill and spill_final

  New Mothers Center
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