Click here to read our Birth Stories Anthology, Vol 2: A Life Forced to be Reckoned With!
Our Winter 2002 Birth Story Series Anthology is finally complete! Instructor Sara Nolan of Tell Your Birth Story spent 6-weeks with participants talking about their stories, helping folks write and edit them and providing invaluable feedback to support this emotional, complex creative process.
While this story may be such a significant part of a person’s life, very rarely do birth stories get the professional, attentive nurturing they deserve. We aim to change that by putting these experiences on paper and centering our healing, intentional class on these deeply personal narratives. Gratitude to those who came before us, who knew the value of the stories of our births and gratitude to those who come after us, who are born from our stories.
We cannot wait to do this again. To learn more email [email protected].