Yeladim campers this week we all got our feet wet with daily instructional swim and jumped with joy at the weekly gymnastics class. In our groups, we learned about new friends, created “All About Me” beautiful art collages and welcomed a guest – Adam – for our very first Musical Shabbat. Nest week Yeladimers will have their first special event – an interactive animal show. Later in the summer, there will be an exciting magician performance and a camper led drum circle.
Chalutzim campers are getting lots of outdoor fun at Henry Kaufman Campgrounds! Highlights in the first week included soccer classes with Super Soccer Stars, art projects using diverse materials and learning new techniques, water safety test and our first instructional swim period, Krav Maga and musical Shabbat with Adam.
We have also begun exploring our overarching camp theme for summer 2016 – Build a Mensch! (Mensch – a Yiddish word reflecting a person with integrity and honor). This week we learned about G’milut Hasadim (performing acts of kindness) and how to be kind to ourselves, those around us and the environment. Look for special buttons on your child’s bag or t-shirt and ask them about it!
Next week Chalutzim Juniors will have Main Stages Theater visit for a very special performance and Chalutzim Seniors will travel to the New York Hall of Science.
Tzofim Division are going on a wide range of exciting trips (they will also have two overnights throughout the summer to Club Getaway, in Kent CT, and Baltimore, MD!). This week we have gone bowling, traveled to Jones Beach and played games at the park. On Tuesday, Tzofimers begin their electives and throughout the summer will gain new expertise in Art, Soccer, and Drama.
Haverim campers have met old friends and made new ones, began a Kickball League and had a celebratory participatory Shabbat at the J today. They have also gone bowling and traveled to Liberty Science Center. Later in the summer, Haverimers will spend 4 days each session travelling to two amazing cities, Portland, Maine and Virginia Beach, VA for an unforgettable experience across the east coast! They will also be giving back to our greater community with two Mitzvah days full of volunteering and social action!