The Marks JCH Women’s Center has seen first-hand the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 crisis on some of the most vulnerable members of our community – women, expecting mothers and new families, and single-parent households. Since the onset of the crisis, we have seen a staggering increase in domestic violence cases, unemployment, and loss of critical income to households already on the precipice of stability, and many single parents forced to leave their jobs with the closures of childcare facilities. While we have been quick to respond with resources and supports and even a limited cash pool for dire circumstances, due to the generosity of UJA Federation of NY and our supporters, many of our families required urgent baby essentials to free up funds for families to spend on rent, food, and household expenses.
Through the incredible generosity of the UJA Federation of NY and New York’s Young Sephardic Women Committee which organized a donation drive that brought in thousands of new baby items – of which Marks JCH is a proud recipient. In less than a week our network of dedicated staff and volunteers have distributed diapers, wipes, brand new sensory toys, formula, bibs, bath products and so much more to parents-in-need all over south Brooklyn. We have driven to domestic violence shelters and homes of parents who were greatly impacted by the economic and emotional devastation of the pandemic, we have welcomed parents and grandparents at the J who came to pick up items, and most importantly we continue to build a strong community of support for the vulnerable families of New York City.
To read more on this amazing effort, please see the recent article published and connect with [email protected] to learn more on the services and programs of the Marks JCH Women’s Center.